Who we are:
The Ontario Horticultural Trades Foundation is the research and scholarship arm of Landscape Ontario. The Foundation’s mandate is to ensure a healthy future for the horticultural industry, through financial support of research and scholarships funded by interest generated on capital investments.
Each year, the Foundation makes available a number of scholarships, bursaries and awards available to high school and post secondary students. For scholarship criteria and application forms please visit our Scholarships page.
Towards a healthy future.
The Foundation's mandate is to ensure a healthy future for the horticultural industry, through the financial support of research and scholarships.
About the Foundation
The Ontario Horticultural Trades Foundation was founded in 1979 by a committee of forward-thinking leaders of the landscape and nursery sectors. The original objective of the Foundation was as a vehicle to help fund much-needed industry research, however that mandate was soon expanded to include the funding of scholarships, in direct response to the sector’s commitment to attract more young people to the industry.
The industry’s identification of their ongoing need to attract skilled workers to the horticultural trade has resulted in an impressive line-up of scholarships and scholarship funds made available annually by the OHTF. In 2020, a total of 40 scholarships totalling $55,000 from 16 scholarship programs were awarded. Scholarships are available in a variety of categories and criteria.
The OHTF remains committed to their original goal of supporting sector prosperity through research and, in partnership with the Landscape Ontario Growers Group, funding is allocated to a variety of research projects on an application basis.
More recently, as environmental stewardship has become a societal cornerstone with numerous beneficial impacts to the horticultural sector, the OHTF has also partnered with several outstanding charitable organizations, allowing them to further their stewardship initiatives.

Foundation Board:
David Turnbull
Board Members
Bob Allen
Phil Charal
Brian Cocks, CHT
Hank Gelderman
Audrey Partridge
John Peets
Tim Rivard
Bill Stensson
Landscape Ontario Staff
Joe Sabatino
Joe Salemi
Lauralee Gonzalez

Annual Foundation Reports:
To read the Foundation's 2022 report click here. (pdf)
To download right-click & select ‘Save as’.
Click below to view or download past reports.

Growing stronger, together.
Donating to OHTF helps secure a strong and healthy sector for years to come.
And now, there are many ways that you can make your contribution.
The Ontario Horticultural Trades Foundation is a registered charity.
All donations will receive a tax receipt.